Tiếng Việt
Party leader outlines key tasks for 12th plenum of Party Central Committee

Party General Secretary and President Nguyễn Phú Trọng has asked members of the Party Central Committee (PCC) to uphold their responsibility and objectivity in addressing issues discussed at the 12th PCC plenum, especially personnel work.

In his opening remarks at the 12th plenum, which began in Hà Nội on Monday, the Party leader said from now to the 13th National Party Congress in January, besides congress documents, the PCC must devote time and effort to prepare personnel. He stressed it is an extremely important task that involves the fate of the Party and the nation.

At the ongoing plenum, the PCC will decide the directions for personnel work relating to the 13th tenure PCC. The directions will be the basis for preparing personnel for the PCC, the Politburo, the PCC Secretariat, and the PCC’s Inspection Commission in the 13th tenure as well as key positions in State agencies in the 2021-26 term, which will be done in the following PCC plenums.

Party General Secretary Trọng said the criteria for candidates for the PCC, Politburo and PCC Secretariat include firm political positions, perseverance with the goal of national independence and socialism and absolute loyalty to Marxism-Leninism, Hồ Chí Minh Thought, the Party’s Platform and directions, the Constitution and national interests.

Candidates must have good ethics and lifestyle, be examples for others and have high public prestige. They must not be involved in corruption nor be opportunistic, and have no ambition for power. Candidates must also be well aware of the responsibility to preserve and protect unity and solidarity among the Party.

At the plenum, Politburo member and Chairwoman of the National Assembly Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân submitted to the PCC a scheme on directions for the general election of deputies to the 15th legislature and People’s Councils at all levels in 2021-26.

Party leader Trọng said in considering the scheme, the PCC should reach consensus on key issues that decide the success of the elections, such as the guiding principles of elections; criteria for deputies of the NA and People’s Councils at all levels, including full-time deputies; the number, structure and age of deputies; the rights to voting and running for election; the process of nominating and self-nominating candidates; the settlement of election-related complaints and petitions; and other organisational work.

Regarding the number of delegates to attend the 13th National Party Congress, General Secretary Trọng said the PCC should focus attention on principles and criteria for allocating the number of delegates to 67 Party organisations under the management of the PCC. After the PCC approves the principles and criteria, the Politburo will decide the number of delegates allocated to each Party organisation.

The committee is scheduled to make decisions on issues like plans on 13th Party Central Committee personnel, orientations for the election of deputies to the 15th National Assembly and all-level People’s Councils for 2021-26, and the appointment of delegates to the 13th National Party Congress, among others.

The PCC’s 12th plenum will last until Thursday. — Soure: VNS